Invitation Process for Panel Members and Anonymous Participation

Inviting esteemed panel members to be a part of the UK Best 100 Taste Awards is a critical step in ensuring the credibility and fairness of the selection process. Here is an overview of how we approach the invitation process, including accommodating those who wish to remain anonymous:

Invitation Process:

Selection Criteria:

Panel members are carefully selected based on their expertise, experience and contributions to the food and dining industry. Their diverse backgrounds ensure a well-rounded evaluation process.


Once selected, panel members receive formal invitations outlining their role, responsibilities, and the importance of their input. The invitation emphasises the significance of their expertise in identifying brands that exemplify taste, healthiness, and sustainability.

Guidelines and Expectations:

Panel members are provided with comprehensive guidelines and expectations. These include a clear understanding of the nomination process, criteria, and timeline. We encourage open communication to address any questions or concerns.

Anonymous Participation:

We understand that some panel members may prefer to remain anonymous for reasons such as personal or professional considerations. We respect their preferences and offer the following options:

Anonymous Nominations:

Panel members who choose to remain anonymous can participate by submitting nominations without revealing their identities. This ensures impartiality and objectivity in the selection process.


We prioritise the confidentiality of all panel members’ information. Any data or communication shared with us remains secure and is used exclusively for the purpose of the awards.

Unbiased Evaluation:

Anonymous panel members contribute to a fair and unbiased evaluation process. Their assessments are valued equally, regardless of whether their identities are disclosed.

We deeply appreciate the dedication and expertise of all panel members, whether they choose to participate openly or anonymously. Your insight contributes to the success and integrity of the UK Best 100 Taste Awards, ensuring that deserving brands receive the recognition they deserve.

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